
Animation (19) Demo Reel (3) Illustration (4) Maya (1) Sketches (24)

Friday, October 30, 2009

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Maya-Room Assignment

The assignment is to create a room.
I started up with a dark and cold concrete cellar, which somehow turned into a weird Tibetan style bed room with my dorm-room desk in it by the end...

I didn't do the fish image on the wall. It was done by an artist that inspires me a lot.
Check out Robin Joseph's website, and here is the original post where the image was from. I really like that picture, so I borrowed it just for this class assignment.

Friday, October 23, 2009

I Luv Boston Terriers

In addition, I'm here to present ---
a Boston Territoad

It's a toad dog : )

I Luv Frogs

We were analyzing Charlotte's Web in children's literature class while I drew those frogs over my notes.